
Simon on 2001-04-26T12:37:40

Argh. It's been one of those mornings. Woke up late with a little bit of a hangover, (Boy, was last night fun. Salsa in the MCR and evil social hackery.) and got dressed before my brain was engaged. This was a bad idea, since I am now wearing pastel green trousers and a pastel pink shirt. Coffee Republic have been putting PCP in the coffee again, so I'm completely wired. I've only spoken Japanese this morning and I've been listening to Pizzicato Five and other shibuya-kei artists for I can't remember how long, so my English is a bit shakey too. And my brain still isn't fully engaged. The overall effect is that I feel like I'm in soft focus. I probably look that way too.

Slashdot has a story about Virtual Reality Quake and somehow discussions on #perl got confused (how unusual) and we ended up with the idea of Virtual Reality Perl6-Language. Don't like Ed Peschko's new syntax proposal? Fine. Get out the railgun. That sounds like an excellent stress-relieving utility. He who dies with the most syntax wins!