Ann's Apple Pastries

Robrt on 2002-08-04T04:33:32

Tonight I had my long awaited cooking evening. It started out rough because I forgot to return a set of keys so had to make a quick errand.

The experiment tonight was Ann's No-Sugar-Added Apple Pastries. Ann discovered something similar in San Diego at OSCON, and they were delicious. I decided I wanted to try and make them myself, and she dictated an experimenal recipe to try. Essentially Apples and Filo dough. So.. I tried it!

I won't go over the details, but suffice it to say it was touch and go at some points. But cooking is more of an art than a science.. or something like that.

The end results seem to be tasty, if not the prettiest things in the world. The true test will be tomorrow at the picnic I bring them to.

Here's what I learned:

  • When the dough has instructions for thawing, follow them!
  • Even if something says 'ungreased pan' - a greased pan won't hurt.
  • Pans out of the oven are very hot.
  • Home-made applesauce is easy to make and delicious.
  • Apple Vanilla Ice-Cream Milkshakes are delicious

Ok... time for eating!