For those who want it all...

Robrt on 2002-07-08T21:56:19

file: $CPAN/authors/id/R/RS/RSPIER/Bundle-Everything-0.01.tar.gz
size: 13223 bytes
md5: 36a3b1661b915e74e44edd3f934f1e27

Yes. It is what you think.

Coming to a CPAN mirror near you.

That's just sick

gnat on 2002-07-09T14:51:52

Does it contain Bundle::Everything?  :-)


Re:That's just sick

Robrt on 2002-07-09T21:47:26

No. I'm not that sick.

Look Out

pudge on 2002-07-10T15:18:32

If I wanted to mess you up, I could write a Makefile.PL for a dummy module that does bad things, and since most people run perl -MCPAN -e shell under root, I just wait for Bundle-Everything-0.02, and for someone to run it under root.

Re:Look Out

Robrt on 2002-07-10T16:03:54

Yes.. You could. And a well known perl author has already done something similar with a popular module. (Except it doesn't _actually_ do anything bad, at the moment.)

But I take no responsibility for the uses or abuses of Bundle::Everything.  :)

Re:Look Out

jdavidb on 2002-07-10T18:52:47

Well, I think it's about time I finally got it together and requested a PAUSE ID.  :)