YAPC: Day 1 - noon

Robrt on 2002-06-26T17:14:40

Larry's talk was quite amusing. He allegorized LOTR and the Perl Community. Except he hates allegories, so that's not what he did. You really had to be there, I can't do it justice describing it here. (Just be sure you've read all the books before trying to figure it out.)

Spent some time selling t-shirts for YAS/PM/Perl Foundation. They're a steal at only $5 each. Be sure to get yours quick, they're not going to last long.

Sitting in Jesse's RT talk. He's giving the RT overview, talking about how RT works, what's coming in the next version, etc...

The conference is shaping up.. Sarah and Lenzo haven't self destructed yet, so all is well.


TorgoX on 2002-06-26T18:58:36

As much as I generally regret having missed Larry's talk, I have to admit that I'd be in pain at a talk involving Tolkien. Every time I've tried to read Tolkien, the prose just makes me grind my teeth. It's like a pallid cross between the Book of Mormon and Ossian. Maybe I should read it in Swahili or something.