semi-interesting things i learned from the python lighting talks

Robrt on 2004-08-03T05:08:22

ActiveState is working on a remote debugging protocol for scripting languages: DBGP - A common debugger protocol for languages and debugger UI communication.

Eric Raymond has written a troff to docbook converter named doclifter. (One man format to rule them all?) Not that perl needs this, all our documentation is written in pod.

remote debugging protocol

nicholas on 2004-08-03T08:32:38

Having skimmed it I'm edgy about having an open TCP socket. (Heck, I've not even looked at the details of how it copes with multiple scripts on the same machine running as the same user). There's a comment about attach/detach debugger from a running program in the perltodo - maybe we let Activestate define the protocol, and then hope that they implement it soon for perl (and we snag their changes). However, I'd be happier to provide an alternative connection implementation using Unix domain sockets in /tmp, as ssh and and screen use, as this allows uid authentication. (Hmm, and by lobbing file descriptors across the socket, it potentially allows interesting redirects to be set up, such as remote STDERR captured into the local debugger IDE)

Re:remote debugging protocol

rooneg on 2004-08-03T12:00:51

If I recall what they said at the python lightning talks correctly they already have an implementation for Perl (as well as a number of other languages), and are planning on working to get it into the main language distribution for all of them. Can't see a sign of this on the web page you link to though, so perhaps I'm on crack.