I was 2500 miles away from my desktop this weekend, and all my email goes there. Of course, this is the weekend my DSL thingy decided it wanted a power cycle to work properly. (Oh, most likely a glitch on the SBC side of things, but no way to prove.)....
So... I get back and have a spool of about 900 messages to process. My spam configuration takes on average 20 seconds per message. So, my standard mail delivery system which processes messages one at a time would take a few hours.
I don't have that kind of patience.
formail -n 30 -s procmail -t -d $USER < mailspool
It took about 8 minutes to complete. The best part? Of the ~200 messages that ended up in my main INBOX, only ONE was spam, and it was definitely marked as such. [SPAM=05.20] adv: JustTechJobs.com.