Overprotective Software

Robrt on 2003-04-28T21:07:28

This morning I received the following message. (Minor details have been changed to protect the innocent.):

In http://nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters,
message 12345 has a subject beginning with 'Re: [perl #54321] concat(FH',
and yet in my mailbox the subject begins with 'Re: [perl #54321] open(FH'.

This of course made absolutely no sense. Everywhere _I_ looked, it looked right to me. My brain started to kick in, and an idea came to me.:

V'z abg fher jul lbh jbhyq frr pbapng. N svefg thrff vaibyirf fbzr fbeg bs wninfpevcg svygre ehaavat ba n cebkl. Ner nal bs gurfr guvatf va cynpr ng lbhe fvgr?

And the response:

Lbh ner *fb* evtug; vg'f Cevibkl'f snhyg. Gunaxf sbe lbhe vafvtug. Unir n tbbq qnl.

I like being right.

I've rot13'd the responses above so your brains can have a crack at it. It starts to make you wonder about the accuracy of other things your browser may present to you.


gav on 2003-04-28T21:22:52


I don't get it

dws on 2003-05-02T08:06:43

Perhaps I'm being dense, but why would a _____ make that particular substition?

Re:I don't get it

Robrt on 2003-05-02T14:30:08

To change potentially malicious code still into valid innocuous code.