YAPC::Europe - day 0

Ranguard on 2002-09-18T07:51:00

Well, we got here ok, we found beer, we found olives and giant pretsels, and more beer.

Then I get a phone call that the company website is down - sysadmining over a mobile with a designer doing the typing at the other end is hard, especially when you've had a pint. Managed to get it all working again which was good, just needed to restart wackamole.

I've had several interesting talks with people about redoing the LPM site. I still don't have a solution or rather approach that I'm happy with. The main issue is for the meetings pages. We have a main meeeting page listing upcomming meetings, and a technical page listing past technical talks. At the moment we lose historic information. Guess I need to talk to Trelane some more about XML, TT and Axkit (which seems like over kill, but maybe I'm missing something).

Anyway.. better check on the website and start looking at doing something productive.