HackDay is over...

Ranguard on 2007-06-17T19:44:46

It's been a wild weekend, lightening and rain playing a central roll which wasn't to be expected.

I enjoyed the London Hackday, the organisers worked really hard. Note for future conferences - make a wired network where possible, never rely on wireless - it might not be as 'cool', but it'll be more reliable, then build wireless on top of that.

I had several projects which came to mind, but when I got started I findout the API's I needed to be lacking. The Yahoo guys did help out by giving me access to Yahoo Local for the UK, which is in Alpha right now. Unfortunately it showed when we couldn't get the Lat/Long search working.

Out of the 70+ hacks which were done there were about a dozen outstanding ones. But I'm too knackered to report more, I'm sure others will.

All in all much fun and the bean bags are fab (which we got to take home).