a CRUD app to manage reading digest

Qiang on 2008-08-12T12:28:04

I don't know how you read and digest. Currently i read a book and highlight the parts that interest me. I revisit the highlights once i finish reading and capture the key ideas into a text file such as notes-bla-bla. This approach works well so far.

The other day, I was reading 'The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master' and i like what was quoted in that book. Then i started thinking how great it would be if we could share our notes together in some way. So that i can be lazy and have a quick preview of the best part of the book :)

This doesn't limited to book reading but any kind of reading materials though.

So i am writing a simple webapp that manages my reading notes/digests. my basic needs are: add/edit/delete notes/digests for certain book. then see all notes by book or tag.


dlc on 2008-08-12T13:43:13

This sounds like what Annotea was designed to accomplish.