WebSites running on Perl

Qiang on 2007-02-27T21:16:12

my manager's boss is asking this question. I guess he wants the BIG ( popular, mission-critical, e-commerce) websites mostly built on Perl.

i compiled a short list. btw, why aren't there anything on

  2. Bank of Canada
  3. BBC
  4. ticketmaster
  5. PBS
  6. University of Buffalo
  7. Wired magazine
  9. livejournal
  10. vox
University of Buffalo is here because we are a University too.

livejournal and are probably less known to the manager. OTOH, myspace or youtube will be difference case.

any other convincing sites?

clscott on 2007-02-27T23:24:59

Not that big but ...

zrusilla on 2007-02-28T00:50:19

Don't forget the Internet Movie Database!

The Register

barbie on 2007-02-28T07:59:19

El Reg has been designed and developed by several use.perl members over the years :)

Is this just for websites or does a large portion of the world's email being scanned for viruses and spam count too? There are several large financial institutions using Perl, and many of the popular companies use it for testing. It's just nobody really shouts about it any more :(

Re:The Register

TeeJay on 2007-02-28T13:49:17

Yeah, I think most of the Managed Email Scanning industry in the UK runs on Perl.. Inty, MessageLabs, Star, all those I know of use Perl.

Re:The Register

barbie on 2007-02-28T14:41:44

Star is an ISP, which happens to use MessageLabs email scanning services. As well as being owned by MessageLabs ;)

But yes, there is a lot of Perl out there, just no-one seems to mentions it that much :(

Other sites

rafael on 2007-02-28T08:50:22 (hotel reservations, thousands per day) (ok, not a manager-type website, but heavy load)

More examples

Aristotle on 2007-02-28T18:39:36

Vox runs on Catalyst. The Wayback Machine uses Perl to manage their data store; I don’t know if Google still does, but they used to.

UB Details

cbrandtbuffalo on 2007-02-28T20:05:01

Most of our 'mission-critical' stuff requires login so you can't look at it, but feel free to ping me if you want info on what we're running. You can include other buzzwords like 'integrated with external apps', 'legacy integration' and 'automated workflow'. cbrandt at buffalo dot edu.

another one

mpeters on 2007-02-28T21:32:40 - It's his presidential campaign site and needs to be very reliable and perform under very heavy loads (don't want to miss any of those contributions when the debates start up, now do we).


stu42j on 2007-03-01T23:15:20

I don't know how up to date they are but mod_perl has some lists and success stories here:


nik on 2007-03-05T15:04:49

Judging by their source code, many of the mySociety websites are built with Perl.

Estee Lauder

adancygier on 2008-11-26T16:57:19

Estee Lauder uses perl for all of its sites. including,,, and