O'Reilly books for user groups received

Qiang on 2005-05-14T03:30:25

I am surprised to received O'Reilly books today in the package. 3 books, include Perl Cookbook, Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules, Linux Desktop hacks.

I guess the reason i received them is because I registered the perlchina user group on oreilly's website. but I have never got any email about this. a happy surprise,indeed.

the books should go to the PerlChina members who contribute a lot time to translate perl article to chinese. Luckily I have a friend going to china next month.

and I am supposed to receive 2 books from APress as well (Perl 6 now, Randal's column collection).

so much more for the perlchina user group :)

oh, this is just in. OReilly is going to give a book of your choice for user group that puts up a Where 2.0 Conference Banners on your group website. see here http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/where/