Wow - perlmonks hacked - passwords exposed!

Purdy on 2009-07-30T12:40:02

If you haven't heard the news, perlmonks was 0wn3d pretty majorly. The hackers were able to get access to the box and reap usernames and passwords (which were stored in cleartext -- FAIL!).

It's also interesting to see that even elite Perl people aren't immune to insecure passwords, looking at the list (scroll down to find 'perlmonks').

Oh well - time to pick a new password & go around and update. This is when it's useful to have a Google Notebook of sites & password hints (not the actual passwords themselves ... that would be stupid, wouldn't it, perlmonks developers?) to know what sites you need to update.




sigzero on 2009-07-30T14:05:59

Maybe someone can log in as me and get me some karma!

Thank you

jdavidb on 2009-07-30T15:44:03

This is crucial news for me, and I would not have heard it elsewhere.