I finally wrestled in Mason - what an effort that took. I'm admin'ing a cobalt system, so it's very hard (close to impossible & I gave up) to upgrade the Apache from 1.3.6 and with it, mod_perl 1.21. The latest Mason requires 1.21_01 (*roll*), so I dug around and found that mod_perl 1.21 was released July '99 (ahh, memories ;)) and I guessed that Mason 1.0 (which was released a year later) wouldn't require 1.21_01 - I guess I got lucky. Then it was digging through the old documentation to get it to work (the current documentation will not work).
So now I can toss PHP and do my server-parsed pages in Mason/Perl ... Whee!!
Update: Another thing - I had to manually move HTML::Mason stuff from /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 to /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.003. I guess mod_perl, which is statically built into Apache isn't picking up my new upgraded perl's @INC path.
Re:Apache 2.0?
Purdy on 2002-02-13T20:43:02
LOL.... LOL .... Ooooohhh ... don't do that to me (make me laugh that hard)! Just to share, everytime I login to the server as the root account, I get this lovely message:
* NOTICE TO ROOT USER: Changes to system files may affect
* your warranty. Please consult your warranty card for details.
I'm not really worried about the warranty - I've prolly long since voided that sucker (gcc and perl upgrade). But I am worried about the "Webmin" interface that Cobalt uses, along with their internal Postgres db, SSL certificates and all that other stuff that's over my head and it takes care of for me. If I upgrade the httpd (which I tried way back when I had a server meltdown), it will break our existing sites.
Re:Apache 2.0?
djberg96 on 2002-02-28T18:32:04
The following post & followup were on comp.lang.perl.modules. Thought you might find it interesting. Enjoy.:) "Ralph Crawford" wrote in message news:3C791480.3060106@speakeasy.removeme.net... >
Is there any information on compiling Apache 2.0.28 beta with any of the recent iterations of mod_perl 2.0, or whether it will work with Apache 2.0 in multiprocessing or multithreaded mode or...?
I've tried with the last couple of bleeding edge releases and have had no luck compiling it. When I ran 'perl Makefile.PL' on the last one, modperl_20020224113228, it said "Apache Version 1.3 0 required, aborting...".
I'm currently perusing various sources in the hopes of getting hooked into things (both use of Apache/mod_perl, and perhaps down the road heling out in the testing/development effort) but would like to know if anyone here can supply some info on the state of things.
Did you get the mod_perl cvs sources, or the mod_perl-2.0 sources? For Apache 2 you'll need mod_perl-2, which is available at http://cvs.apache.org/snapshots/modperl-2.0/
Actually, because of the fluid changing nature of things, you may want to use cvs for both mod_perl-2 and httpd-2 - see http://perl.apache.org/mod_perl_cvs.html for details.
For questions on building, bugs, etc., you may want to subscribe to the mod_perl dev list (to subscribe, see http://perl.apache.org/#maillists). You can also get by cvs a 'docs' tree under mod_perl-2/ which contains some documentation on using modperl-2.
best regards,
randy kobes