Impending Anxiety...

Purdy on 2002-02-11T19:08:30

I was going to say Impending Doom, but that's a little harsh. This week starts off the cluster of Valentines Day, my wife's Birthday and our anniversary, all within about a month. Last year, I was very prepared, performing an all-time coup with jewelry, dinner at a fancy restaurant, cards and flowers. This year ... well, if Casey drops by here, I'm not going to pre-announce anything, but I'm looking good!

I went to my sister's wedding shower this weekend and actually had a great time. Helped that she had a new puppy (Border Collie) - Casey & I are suckers for puppies. :) I'm actually looking forward to the wedding, mostly because it will bring our widely-dispersed family (we're in NC, USA and we have folks in Alaska, Colorado and Ohio) together and as I grow older, I've come to appreciate family more & more.

Oh, and my mom (which if you knew her, just the mention that I bring her up should prepare you for some tale of dysfunctionality) has started the grandchildren talk. Casey & I have been married close to 3 years now and haven't heard any grandchildren talk up to this point. Don't get me wrong - we want children, but on our own time/terms. Once we have children, we can't give 'em back ;) ... so we want to wait until we're ready to accept the burden. My mom says a rumor is spreading around the family that we won't ever have kids - she's prolly just starting the rumor herself... *sigh*


Dysfunction junction

TorgoX on 2002-02-12T08:34:48

How about you "start a rumour" that you got a vasectomy years ago. Watch the hijinx ensue.

Then if you actually do REPLICATE later, your kids will be a surprise, as they should be.


Re:Dysfunction junction

Purdy on 2002-02-12T13:33:57

*ROTFL* ... Oh, that's TOO funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning ... I may have to do that.

Re:Dysfunction junction

TorgoX on 2002-02-12T17:46:02

And why stop at vasectomy? Let on that you got some sort of genital piercing, like a Prince Albert!

A friend of mine absolutely shocked his mom that way. (Without actually having either a vasectomy or a Prince Albert, but saying he'd had the latter). And his retort to her shocked reaction was "Funny, you didn't have a problem with genital mutation when I was a child".


Re:Dysfunction junction

chaoticset on 2002-02-12T20:28:44

The hilarious(?) bit is that you can just imagine the people who've done female circumcisions saying the exact same things as the ones who've done male circumcisions. "It's just what we do," or "But there's nothing wrong with that!"

Of course not. You didn't get mutilated.