Please donate

Purdy on 2005-09-02T21:13:54

When I first heard the news of Katrina, I really didn't appreciate the level of disaster. After all, I live in NC and have been through a few hurricanes and didn't really see what all the fuss was about.

But seeing the pictures, the news videos, the breakdown of society ... we also asked our subscribers in those states how they were doing and the response was very touching. Reading that really opened my eyes and called me into action.

My Uncle sent an email saying that for Christmas presents this year, he was making a donation to the relief efforts. This is a great idea and makes for a more meaningful and special family event.

So, however cynical you are ... whatever you belief ... whatever your political affiliation ... people in those affected areas need your help!

Think about donating and asking your family and friends to see if they'd rather their present money be redirected to a donation in their honor.

