In my last journal entry, I mentioned how great YAPC::NA's Day 1 was. Well, Day 2 & 3 were more of the same, if not better.
One of the great things I learned at the conference was testing in general as well as an awesome networking opportunity for the rest of the cgiapp gang.
I posted minutes from our BOF session and the list has been quite abuzz lately, including my next point...
The BREAD project has reached an alpha milestone, released on CPAN early this morning and has already gone through two more revisions, thanks to Mark Stosberg (who is quite a machine).
Anyway, what's cool about this is that once you have all the modules in place, you can put together a simple CGI::Application like this:
package MyBREADApp;
use base 'CGI::Application'; use CGI::Application::Plugin::BREAD;
sub setup { $self = shift; my $loader = Class::DBI::Loader->new( dsn => "dbi:mysql:mysql", user => "webuser", password => "webpass", namespace => "WHATEVER", relationships => 1, additional_classes => [ 'Class::DBI::FormBuilder' ], ); $self->bread_db( $loader ); }