Wow ... after reading davorg's & hfb's journals, I checked out my history on USENET. Found a posting by my father, who I tried to get on the internet way back when. He's now deceased and it's very eerie to see that...
Oh man, I could open a whole new journal just on my Dad ... I'll just summarize for those who care: my dad was a victim of his excesses - whenever he wanted a toy, he got it. On his 50th birthday, he bought a Harley-Davidson and few weeks later while driving home at night got into an accident, where best we can tell, a deer had jumped in the road, struck the motorcycle, and caused my Dad to take a fatal fall (he was wearing a helmet and the "appropriate" safety gear). He spent the night undergoing a labotomy to take out part of the brain that swelled under the impact & was bruised. The next 3 years, he stayed in a vegatative state, hooked to a feeding tube and never regained a cognitive state. We finally came to the consensus as a family to move on and removed the feeding tube. He died a week later (with effort taken to eliminate any pain).
*sigh* ... anyway, deep ... sorry. Don't want to bring you down, but sometimes history can do that to people. The lesson I learned from all that is when you're part of a family, you need to prioritize and only take on as much risk that you're covered for and can truely withstand. I hope that this may demonstrate to others how vicious life/fate can be when you push your luck a little too far.
I will always remember the quote from "Mame" played by Rosaline Russell; "Live, live, live! Life is a smorgasboard and so many poor suckers are starving to death!"
My father died of esophageal cancer [ acid reflux - if you have or know anyone who has persistent indigestion/heartburn, get it addressed do not, do not, do not, want to die of esophageal cancer ] after years of working hard and indulging himself very little...he had just retired and he and my mother were going to go travelling on the nice tidy sum they had saved over the years.
It is hard to lose a parent...and even harder when you are reminded of the loss in small things we take for granted until they are gone
Purdy on 2001-12-12T13:46:08
Thanks for the kind comment - I do agree that life is worth taking every moment of... I guess you have to balance between partaking of what life has to over and not over-endulging. That is a good point b/c I'd hate to have to look back and regret not doing something. Jason