
Purdy on 2001-12-07T17:45:37

Whenever I write in this journal, I get stuck on the Subject line first. My way 'round this is the write the entry first, and then make a subject based on what I've written. Pudge should make the Subject the last field just for me. ;)

I've stayed off IRC today mostly because I've been slammed with work - been pretty productive and I feel like I should take the rest of the day off, as I have prolly been double-productive. ;) It's been 4.5 hours since I "clocked in" and I setup a development server and finished another mod_perl module. I also called my web hosting folks and ordered up more memory (it'll be .5Gb) for our server and a redundant backup system. Wheeee!!!

I've learned when developing mod_perl stuff, you can't simply 'reload' or 'restart' the Web server (at least in my server environment [Linux]). That causes memory leaks (which led to the previous server crash, I bet). The best solution is to stop, sleep 5 and start.
