My sister is engaged...

Purdy on 2001-11-28T14:00:13

I just found out last night. Over the phone. She & I are the only siblings in our family. Now that was shocking (forget davorg's Christmas rants ;)). Unfortunately, I didn't react as I should have (let's blame the shock, shall we?). The conversation went something like this:

Em (my sister): Guess what? I'm engaged!
Me: Wow...
Dead silence for a minute or two
Me: Well, I'm happy for you, that's great.
More silence (we're powerful communicators, the two of us)
Me: So this is what you want, right?
Me (foot already in mouth ... but wait, there's more!): So what are you guys going to do about jobs? (they're both unemployed)
Mom: What did you say? She ran out of the room crying.

*sigh* ... I can be such an arse sometimes. Consequently, I spent the next hour on the phone apologizing profusely to Em and telling her how happy I was for her.

I'm sure there are going to be a LOT more journal entries on this topic ... while I am happy for Em, I have some concerns. But I shouldn't have brought them up then ... and I don't know if I can ever bring them up now. Stupid me.


you can pick your friends but you can't shoot sibs

hfb on 2001-11-28T15:49:06

Well, when my mother found out that Jarkko and I had eloped the first utterance from her mouth was "Why?!". Families are supposed to say dumb stuff. :)

As for them both being unemployed just don't ask if she's pregnant. It's the single most offensive thing you can ask someone who just got engaged or married...of course, don't tell the perl freaks to who seem to fancy that particular question....:)