Hudson for Everybody Else

Phred on 2010-06-10T20:01:52

Joe McMahon will be talking about Hudson on June 22nd at 7pm, at the office of Mother Jones.

"Continuous integration" sounds like a great idea: you automatically run your build on every checkin, so you know very soon after you've committed if you make a mistake or checked in a bug. However, like any properly lazy Perl programmer, the last thing you want to do is write more code; you want to take advantage of work that's already done: that's Hudson.

Hudson is a continuous integration server that's easy to set up, customize, and use. Unlike other similar Java-based tools, Hudson is language-agnostic, even well-integrated with other tools.For Perl projects, with a little assistance from CPAN, it's easy to set up and use for Perl projects. We'll look at a sample setup that covers most of the bases, including a few pointers on making it easy to build and track things under Hudson, and finish up with a look at using Hudson to get your team involved - even enjoying - continuous integration.

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