HTML::FormHandler, a talk at

Phred on 2010-04-01T17:21:36

As the second talk in a series of talks on form handling, Bryan Beeley will be presenting a talk on the HTML::FormHandler, a Moose based form rendering and validation framework, on April 27th, 2010 at Six Apart World Headquarters.

HTML::FormHandler is an object oriented framework for form-specific data model, HTML rendering and data validation code. Simple forms can be rendered, parameters can be parsed, data can be validated, and validated data can be submitted to your database with a minimal amount of code using built-in input field types. Leveraging the power of Moose, HTML::FormHandler allows more complicated forms to override some or all of the built-in functionality while maintaining a common interface.

This meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 27rd at 7pm at Six Apart World Headquarters.

HTML::FormHandler on CPAN:

Announcement posted via App::PM::Announce

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