Simple form validation with Data::FormValidator

Phred on 2010-03-05T19:01:17

As the first talk in series of talks on form validation, Fred Moyer will present an overview of Data::FormValidator. Real world code examples will be presented, and you'll see how you can use Data::FormValidator to implement form validation for legacy codebases as well as new code. Data::FormValidator is a loosely coupled, highly flexible, and easy to use form validation module written by Mark Stosberg.

This meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7pm at Six Apart World Headquarters.

Fred Moyer's CPAN page:

Data::FormValidator on CPAN:

Announcement posted via App::PM::Announce

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some ideas

mpeters on 2010-03-05T20:35:54

I'd definitely focus on the new way to write constraint methods (using constraint_methods and not the old contstraints.

Also, (tooting my own horn) I like using Data::Form::Validator::Constraints::DateTime so that you can validate incoming dates in lots of ways and then get a DateTime object out if it when it's valid.

Re:some ideas

Phred on 2010-03-05T22:13:20

Huh, I'll need to read up on those new methods. I've been using constraints mostly.

Re:some ideas

Phred on 2010-03-05T23:10:49

Whoops, looks like I am using constraint_methods. I'll check out the datetime validation stuff also.
I've been able to shoehorn DFV into some very unfriendly legacy codebases, so that will be a big focus.