Writing CPAN Modules

Phred on 2010-01-04T19:43:09

Happy New Year! Our January meeting will take place on Tuesday January 26 at Six Apart World Headquarters.

"Writing CPAN Modules" by Joseph Brenner

A talk in three parts:

(1) how-to for beginners (2) portability problems (3) ExtUtils::MakeMaker vs. Module::Build vs. Module::Install

In the first part, we will emphasize how easy it is, in the second part, we will demonstrate that we were lying in the first part, and in the third part we will endeavor to provoke a religous war in the audience.

Joe Brenner's CPAN page: http://search.cpan.org/user/doom/

Announcement posted via App::PM::Announce

RSVP at Meetup - http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Perl-Mongers/calendar/12218046/

Module::Starter and Dist::Zilla

petdance on 2010-01-04T20:42:13

I hope you'll cover Module::Starter and RJBS's new Dist::Zilla as tools to help build modules from scratch.

Re:Module::Starter and Dist::Zilla

Phred on 2010-02-02T06:23:37

Module::Starter was covered, but I don't remember Dist::Zilla being in there.