Continuous Integration of Perl Code

Phred on 2009-06-17T22:16:12

The June meeting of will take place at 7 pm PST on June 23rd at Six Apart World Headquarters.

Jeff Thalhammer returns to speak on "Continuous Integration of Perl Code". The discussion will cover:

* What is Continuous Integration (CI)? * A survey of available CI frameworks. * Tips and tricks for using CI with Perl. * Show-and-tell with an actual CI system.

Announcement posted via App::PM::Announce

RSVP at Meetup -

if you can't make it to SF

mpeters on 2009-06-18T13:24:49

Sounds a lot like a talk I'm giving at YAPC -

Let me know if there are slides so I can steal anything he thinks of that I don't :)


thaljef on 2009-06-18T17:50:33

Glad to see that you're working on continuous integration issues too. Unfortunately, I won't be at YAPC this year. I should have my presentation finished this weekend and I'll send you a copy of it.

Most of it will revolve around TeamCity, which I've been using to integrate Perl-Critic. Since TeamCity is more Java-oriented, I used an Ant script and a custom TAP formatter to make it work for Perl. You can see our setup here (Click the "Login as Guest" button) :

Welcome at

Phred on 2009-06-18T16:18:46

You're welcome to come speak at also :)