OS X iWork 08 Fail

Phred on 2008-02-25T21:02:42

iWork 08 is resisting all my attempts to crop an image in the document. Of course I don't have the original, or I could just use the convert cli and crop it there.

It is 2008, and the Mac doesn't have a bundled basic image editor?

UPDATE - NeoOffice was able to easily crop the image. Sorry for the rant here but it is hard to believe that the mac doesn't have a simple cropping and resizing application. Did Adobe leave a mangled clipboard in Steve Job's bed? I had a Mac back in 1984, and it had a simple graphic editor then.


shiflett on 2008-02-25T21:11:17

Preview can resize and crop images, as well as save them in other formats.


Phred on 2008-02-25T21:49:44

Ah, thanks for the spot! I had thought of looking there but I assumed that preview was read only like Acrobat and I didn't look in there for fear of another fail. I like the 'New from Clipboard' function, that was exactly what I needed.