rt.cpan.org rave, sourceforge.net rant

Phred on 2007-12-26T18:50:57

RT has been running noticably faster lately, thanks to Jesse or whoever has made the speedup. It is a big improvement from a month ago.

But sourceforge.net has been getting on my nerves. I created projects for Class::Factory and Class::DBI::Sweet there, but now I have to wait up to three days to get this projects approved. Wtf? I could use google code, but I have another project on sourceforge and I just need a subversion repository. Put that on my wish list for a CPAN addition, so I could just use my pause login to access the repository.

One repo to bind them all

brian_d_foy on 2007-12-27T18:13:01

I created one Sourceforge project and put all (well, most) of my modules in it. That means they have to live in the same SVN repository, but that's not a big deal for me. I only have one repo to remember :)