Tuit reclamation

Phred on 2006-05-13T03:50:58

There are times in life when you find yourself with tuits. Use them while you can, because often what follows is a period when you are without them. I like to hack Perl, and do so as much as I can, but sometimes bills, family, friends' websites, and other nuances get in the way. Work gets in the way too, but I get to hack Perl at work, albeit it doesn't always have the freedom and rewards of working on open source software.

So I had some tuits about a month ago, I started hacking, and then my tuits got re-alloc'd. Tonight I can finally reclaim them, as my free music trading site is finally back online. It runs Slash, and uses Perlbal to deliver http content to hungry clients. I configured Perlbal to proxy requests to the Slash server, and if the request was for a music file, mod_perl passed the request back to Perlbal with a 'x-reproxy-file' header, and Perlbal served the file asynchronously. Today the server was pushing over 40 megabits per second and Perlbal was using about 8% cpu on a PIII 1Ghz Coppermine. Whew.

Time to get to work with the reclaimed tuits on open source. And I'll start with the handler code I used to do this. This works with Perlbal 1.41 and Slash 2.2.6.

package Music;

use Apache::Constants qw( :common );

sub handler {
    my $r    = shift;
    my $file = $r->document_root . $r->uri();
    return DECLINED if -d $file;
    if (-e $file) {
        $r->log_error("Setting X-REPROXY for $file");

        $r->err_header_out('X-REPROXY-FILE' => $file);
                return OK;
    if ( ! -e $file ) { return NOT_FOUND };


  SET listen =
  SET role = reverse_proxy
  SET pool = my_apaches
  SET enable_reproxy = true
  SET persist_client=off
  SET persist_backend=off
  SET verify_backend = on
ENABLE balancer

# always good to keep an internal management port open:
  SET role   = management
  SET listen =

SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Music

Options Includes Indexes Multiviews FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        IndexOptions FancyIndexing SuppressHTMLPreamble DescriptionWidth=*
 HeaderName /HEADER.html