As I've had a few free days lately because of the holidays, I've decided to do what every other geek camped out in the mountains waiting for snow decides to do, hack on the latest and greatest software. I've been running Qpsmtpd for several weeks now, and it's being doing a great job of rejecting spam with the spamassassin 3.0 plugin. I decided to take it one step further and use the Qpsmtpd::Apache mod_perl2 handler to have Apache manage the smtp connections. A nudge here and there and I was up and running. Apache manages the connections now, so sending mail is much faster as Qpsmtpd doesn't have to fork a process for each connection.
If you haven't been keeping up with mod_perl development lately, then you've been missing out on a lot. There was a Christmas release (2.0.0-RC2-XMas) which I have just upgraded to. Mod_perl 2 has been in development for over three years, and if you haven't tried it yet you should download the release candidate and test it out.
I've been reading a lot of positive reviews lately about OpenInteract. They have a 2.0 version releasing, so I am going to evaluate it on my mod_perl2 x-mas release candidate tonight. I'm hoping it will provide a scalable platform that will allow me to concentrate on classes and application logic. I always end up tweaking my mod_perl application servers a bit here and there, but I guess that's part of the fun.