Most people were out to lunch, so I took the following mysterious call.
Idiot: I'm XXXX from YYYY who acquired ZZZZ.
Ovid: Yes sir. How many I help you?
Idiot: Did you guys pull our site?
Ovid: I have no idea. I don't handle that department. I suggest you speak with AAAA.
Idiot: Well, is the site up?
Ovid: I have no idea. I don't handle that department.
Idiot: Are you still hosting it?
Ovid: I have no idea. I don't handle that department.
Idiot: Why did you guys pull our site?
Ovid: I have no idea. I don't handle that department.
Idiot: Then who do I speak to about this?
I ordinarily don't care to refer to people as 'idiots', but this guy was over the top. I later learned that one of our clients was subject to a hostile takeover by another client. The "new" client simply assumed that his company would still have a Web site with all of the juicy goodies that we provide. Well, no. You see, the new client seemed to think that this was free of charge, like we're an internal IT department or something.