I was at a BBQ tonight with Allison Randal, chromatic, Michael Schwern and Brian Ingerson, and I almost felt like a groupie. Serious brainpower there. It was very pleasant meeting sharp programmers with serious reputations and discovering that they are simply nice guys, with the obvious exception of Allison, who would probably prefer to not be described as a guy. Actually, I already knew that about chromatic (that he's nice - not that he would prefer not to be described as a guy), but it was nice to have that confirmed about the others.
Yesterday: I am walking through the store when I think I see her. And him. He is not her husband, but they are hanging on one another. She turns from me and hugs him, burying her face in his shoulder and thereby effectively hiding it from me. Was it really her? I can't say anything as I don't know what I saw, but I feel very uncomfortable.
Apparently you didn't notice how we all kept staring at things -- trees, hammocks, drinks, the side of the house... that's not genius, that's garbage collection!