Doing a bit of POD munging and using Pod::Parser::Groffmom with this. The following is OS X specific, but it should be easy to adjust for another system. It automatically opens any POD file as a PDF document with cover page and table of contents:
au! FileType pod :call PodMappings() function! PodMappings() noremap,r :call PodToPDF() endfunction function! PodToPDF() let filename = bufname("%") let postscript = filename . ".ps" let command = 'perl $(which pod2mom) --cover --toc --ps ' \ . filename \ . ' && open ' . postscript echo system(command) endfunction
Re:how do you like it?
Ovid on 2009-11-17T16:53:20
I've liked it quite a bit. I have a custom subclass of Pod::Parser::Groffmom which even writes out slides for me, so I can create a presentation by writing POD. I then just run a version of the above (pod2mom takes a --parser option if you want a subclass) and get a lovely PDF and my S5 slides at the same time.