Having struggled repeatedly with LaTeX, I gave up. That's why github now hosts Pod::Parser::Groffmom. This is an undocumented module (just started hacking on it) which produces love MOM output suitable for groff -mom. That will transform it into PostScript for viewing with gv, Preview.app or anything else which can read PostScript. You can see a sample at Slideshare: I used this module to transform my Logic Programming In Perl article to a lovely PDF. There's virtually no control over output (patches and docs welcome :), but it works for me. It's only testing on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, but I imagine that any system with a modern 'groff' should be able to read the output.
Now I suppose I should write some docs.
You can see a sample at Slideshare.
Ovid on 2009-10-25T15:39:32
It's the Logic Programming in Perl link. Sorry for the confusing linkage