CPAN Updates

Ovid on 2009-10-18T12:50:14

I've updated a few things on CPAN today. The most important is probably Test::Differences. No new features, but it's a production release (after a year!).

I've also updated Test::Aggregate to a production release. It now supports nested TAP via Test::Aggregate::Nested. The latter is ALPHA code, but it gets around the __END__ and __DATA__ limitations of Test::Aggregate. When Test::Harness supports richer parsing of nested TAP, it should be fully production ready (crosses fingers). Having dinner with Andy Armstrong tonight, so maybe we can talk about this.

Also, by request, I've made Test::Kit ready for production. In the process, I also fixed a bug where it wouldn't handle Test::Most due to namespace clashes.

I wanted to update MooseX::Role::Strict by adding MooseX::Role::Warnings, but due to behavioral changes in Moose, I need to postpone that for a bit.

I've also updated Class::Trait, but only to mark it as deprecated in favor of Moose::Role.

Update: Just uploaded a new Perl6::Caller to eliminate spurious test failures.