
Ovid on 2009-09-29T06:52:28

I hate this.

NoScript makes it so obvious

revdiablo on 2009-09-29T13:52:46

Isn't browsing with NoScript interesting? It makes it dead obvious which sites are Javascript abusers, even if they're not in the malicious sense.

I usually enable scripts only when needed, and almost always temporarily. The worst is when enabling all scripts on a page and reloading requires enabling EVEN MORE, because the scripts loaded scripts from other domains.


There should be a "NoScript Appreciation Award"

Hercynium on 2009-09-29T20:27:33

My current employer is a web-based business and one of the things I love is how they bend over backwards to ensure that their site is fully functional and looks 100% correct *without* JavaScript.

We've even had to battle with our payment processor since they recently said they require users to have JS enabled to complete their transaction and that's just ridiculous - it worked *fine* before!

I hereby nominate my $work_website for the first annual "NoScript Appreciation Award" :-)