Dear Yahoo! Mail,
I think it's really nifty that you've enhanced your services, but I have a tiny request to make. Could you please make sure your current features work before adding new ones? Specifically, I'd like to be able to check my email.
It's great that you've introduced photo sharing, but I'd like to see what's coming into my inbox.
I'm happy to hear that you're introducing better third-party application integration, but I want to read my email.
I've heard that you're improving your calendar feature, but sometimes I need to check my email.
In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the majority of people who use Yahoo! Mail are using it for email. It would be nice to check it occasionally.
I'm getting sick and tired of the "Sorry for the inconvenience" messages that show up. I'm getting sick and tired of it hanging while checking email. (I also hate how you've broken the back button in your Classic Mail).
Why on earth would I want to use an email client that provides me with the ability to do anything I want -- except check my friggin' email? Please fix this.
All the best,
Nothing surprising about this sort of thing. My iPhone can play some games, but it very often doesn't let me make or receive phone calls.
I would use something else if there weren't so many people who had my Yahoo address, and would use "classic" if they hadn't broken that while creating the new lousiness. If only someone kind and wealthy would buy them out and replace them with a simple forwarding service...