The Great Escape (Catalyst, DBIx::Class and Freebase)

Ovid on 2009-08-16T16:22:32

Need a lot of work, but I have an unnamed Web site that I'm playing with. Initial data is populated from Freebase (which I'm still learning) and it uses DBIx::Class and Catalyst. I've put the source code on Github.

The only thing it really does now is let you browse countries (Freebase code to fetch data at util/ and see the Google maps for them. I might add more as I have time, but with a trip to Portland coming up, I might not.

Be kind. It's running off the default Catalyst server and SQLite :)

With apologies to JJ for stealing CSS and images (I'll take 'em down if you like).

Note that while most development is happening on my local box, I'll sometimes push changes out to Hexten (hosted by Andy Armstrong, if you're curious). Thus, the site might sometimes be unavailable. It's just a toy after all.