When you push more stuff into your compile time phase, it's great that compilation can warn you of serious problems. That's why when diddling with 'perl -pi.bak', I find variants of the following helpful:
$ ack '\$c->builder->add_main\(' lib/ -l|xargs perl -pi.bak -e 's/builder->add_main/add_to_builder/ $ for file in $(svn status |awk '/^M/ { print $2 }'); do perl -Ilib -c $file; done
Basically, did my global search/replace break my code? When your test suite takes well over an hour to run, this quick and dirty check is very useful.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Pod;
use File::Next;
use App::Ack;
use FindBin;
my $startpath = $ENV{TTROOT} || '.';
my $iter =
File::Next::files( {
descend_filter => sub { $_ ne '.svn' && $_ ne 'tmp' },
}, $startpath );
my @files;
while ( my $file = $iter->() ) {
my @types = App::Ack::filetypes( $file );
push( @files, $file ) if grep { $_ eq 'perl' || $_ eq 'pod' } @types;
die 'No Perl files found!' unless @files;
plan( tests => 2 * @files );
my $lib = "$FindBin::Bin/../Lib";
for my $filename ( @files ) {
open( my $fh, '<', $filename ) or die "Can't read $filename: $!";
my $header = <$fh>;
close $header;
my $taint = $header && ( $header =~/perl.+-T/ ) ? '-T' : '';
my $output = qx( perl $taint -c -I$lib $filename 2>&1 );
like( $output, qr/syntax OK/, "$filename passes perl -c" );
pod_file_ok( $filename );
Re:One test to compile them all
Ovid on 2009-04-07T15:13:45
We have a virtually identical test. Takes four minutes to run. Hence the above snippet