What Do You Want From Test::Harness and/or Test::Builder?

Ovid on 2009-03-27T09:51:52

It's a bit late for an informal poll, but I didn't think of it sooner :)

I'll be heading to the Perl-QA Hackathon in a few hours. I'll be spending three days holed up with core Perl QA people, and then a couple of days in Cumbria with Andy Armstrong and Schwern. So three people with responsibility for Test::Harness and Test::Builder will be stuck with each other for five whole days.

Things I would desperately love:

What I want, though, may be useless to you, so let's hear it.

My hackathon plans

pdcawley on 2009-03-27T10:28:13

Nested TAP would be good, I think. I'm planning on getting Test::Class::Sugar to a releaseable point over the weekend, and hopefully making a good start on something like cucumber http://cukes.info/ with Devel::Declare driven syntax, though I might get sidetracked into trying to write a perlish autotest if such a thing doesn't already exist.

Both those (and definitely the cucumber port) would benefit from nestability.

I'm not sure when I'm going to get there - won't be there 'til Saturday morning.

My hackathon plans

Adrian on 2009-03-27T11:13:45

.. Another vote for nested TAP here for obvious reasons!

Me, I hope to fix some of the more broken bits of the T::C internals, make whatever changes Piers needs for T::C::Sugar, and knock a few of the things off the T::C to do list.

Along with anything else that seems useful :)

I'm also going to annoy Curtis with a long conversation about TDD. Especially if I get around to finishing up the blog post(s) that have been sitting on my desktop for the last week :-)

Re:My hackathon plans

Adrian on 2009-03-27T11:15:07

(Also - I want to get Curtis to educate me about Role based design... but that's not QA related)

Re:My hackathon plans

Ovid on 2009-03-27T11:21:02

Bring me some sample code which abuses inheritance (multiple inheritance and several levels of inheritance are good), and I can help you refactor it. You'll be amazed at what RO (Role Oriented) Programming can do.

Or if there's something tractable on the CPAN, I could play with that.


mpeters on 2009-03-27T18:48:47

Nested TAP++
TAP Diagnostics ++

Also, I was planning on finally getting some time to give Smolder some love. I've got a list of features from the Parrot developers and am also in the middle of a rewrite to ditch apache and use a Perl HTTP server and make it CPAN installable.