I should give up on SQL

Ovid on 2009-03-09T16:34:36

Stared and stared and stared at the "is null"/"is not null" constraints and had to post to twitter to find the answer. Very annoying that I missed something so obvious, but I still don't know why it would munge the value of "parent_pid" and "child_pid" in the first query. (Update: Of course I know why it would munge that value. I need a drink).

mysql> select parent_pid, child_pid, title from clip left join pip_pip on clip.pid = child_pid and parent_pid is null;
| parent_pid | child_pid | title                         |
| NULL       | NULL      | Another clip                  |
| NULL       | NULL      | Clip 2 with attached variants |
| NULL       | NULL      | Clip with attached variants   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select parent_pid, child_pid, title from clip left join pip_pip on clip.pid = child_pid and parent_pid is not null;
| parent_pid | child_pid | title                         |
| NULL       | NULL      | Another clip                  |
| NULL       | NULL      | Clip 2 with attached variants |
| b00btc34   | b0001234  | Clip with attached variants   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)