Create a file named 'wordlist' and list only one word: mississipi. Then you can play hangman in Perl 6.
use v6; class Hangman { has $.wordlist; has $!word is rw; has $!finished is rw; has @!man is rw; has @!bodyparts is rw; has $!num_misses is rw = 0; has @!guess is rw; has %!missed_letters is rw; has $!state is rw; subset Letter of Str where { $_ =~ /^ <[a..z]> $/ }; method init() { my @words = =open($.wordlist); my $attempts = 0; repeat until self!valid_word or $attempts > 100 { $attempts++; $!word = @words.pick; } if $attempts > 100 { die "Quit trying to find valid word in ($.wordlist) after 100 tries"; } @!man = ( [ < + - - - - - + > ], [ '|', ' ' xx 5, '|' ], [ '|', ' ' xx 5, '|' ], [ '|', ' ' xx 5, '|' ], [ < + - - - - - + > ], ); @!bodyparts = ( [ 2, 3, '|' ], # torso self!shuffle( [ 2, 2, '-' ], # left arm [ 2, 4, '-' ], # right arm [ 3, 2, '/' ], # left leg [ 3, 4, '\\' ], # right leg ' ), [ 1, 3, 'o' ], ); @!guess = '_' xx $!word.chars; $!state = join("\n", self!render_man, self!render_guess) ~ "\n"; } # Letter $letter is broken method guess_letter ($letter) { say "You guessed '$letter'"; if %!missed_letters.exists($letter) { warn "You've already guessed '$letter'\n"; return; } if $!finished { warn $!state; return; } my @found; my @letters = $!word.split(''); my $ord = $letter.ord; for 0..(@letters.elems - 1) -> $i { if @letters[$i].ord == $ord { @found.push($i); } } #if not $!word ~~ /$letter/ { if not @found.elems { %!missed_letters{$letter} = 1; self!handle_bad_guess; return; } else { self!handle_good_guess($letter, @found); return 1; } } my method handle_bad_guess { my $part = @!bodyparts.shift; @!man[ $part[0] ][ $part[1] ] = $part[2]; if not @!bodyparts.elems { $!state = "You've been hanged! The word was '$!word'\n" ~ self!build_state; $!finished = 1; } else { $!state = "Wrong!\n" ~ self!build_state; } } my method build_state { return sprintf "%s\n%s\nMissed: %s\n", self!render_man, self!render_guess, join( ' ', %!missed_letters.keys.sort ); } my method handle_good_guess ($letter, @found) { @!guess[@found] = $letter xx @found.elems; if not grep { $_ eq '_' }, @!guess { $!state = "You won! The word was '$!word'\n" ~ self!build_state; $!finished = 1; } else { $!state = "Right!\n" ~ self!build_state; } } my method render_guess () { return @!guess.join(' '); } my method render_man () { my $man; for @!man -> $array { $man ~= $array.join('') ~ "\n"; } return $man; } # XXX File bug report on slurpy copy #my method shuffle (*@items is copy) { my method shuffle (*@items) { # Fisher-Yates shuffle my $i = @items.elems; while ($i) { my $j = $; $i--; @items[ $i, $j ] = @items[ $j, $i ]; } return @items; } my method valid_word () { return $!word ~~ /^ <[a..z]> ** 6..* $/; } method get_word () { return $!word; } method is_hung () { return not @!bodyparts.elems; } method to_string () { return $!state; } } my $man = wordlist => './wordlist' ); $man.init(); for-> $letter { $man.guess_letter($letter); say $man.to_string; }
You guessed 'm' Right! +-----+ | | | | | | +-----+ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missed: You guessed 'a' Wrong! +-----+ | | | | | | | +-----+ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missed: a You guessed 'b' Wrong! +-----+ | | | -| | | | +-----+ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missed: a b You guessed 'c' Wrong! +-----+ | | | -|- | | | +-----+ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missed: a b c You guessed 'd' Wrong! +-----+ | | | -|- | | \ | +-----+ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missed: a b c d You guessed 'e' Wrong! +-----+ | | | -|- | | / \ | +-----+ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missed: a b c d e You guessed 'i' Right! +-----+ | | | -|- | | / \ | +-----+ m i _ _ i _ _ i _ i Missed: a b c d e You guessed 's' Right! +-----+ | | | -|- | | / \ | +-----+ m i s s i s s i _ i Missed: a b c d e You guessed 'p' You won! The word was 'mississipi' +-----+ | | | -|- | | / \ | +-----+ m i s s i s s i p i Missed: a b c d e
Code suggestions welcome! Many of the strange things you see are due to limitations in either the current revision of Rakudo (r34706) or in my knowledge.
Great work. Here is the same code in different formats generated using Syntax::Highlight::Perl6.
HTML with tree viewer (needs JavaScript)
Note: i modified line 15 to be STD-parsable.
Nice script.
You've liberated yourself from the parens in if
statements and loops. Good work.
Now liberate yourself from the parens around the rvalue in array assignments. my @a = 1,2,3;
Take this f.ex.:
my @found;
my @letters = $!word.split('');
my $ord = $letter.ord;
for 0..(@letters.elems - 1) -> $i {
if @letters[$i].ord == $ord {
In Perl 6 you write this like so:
my $ord = $letter.ord;
my @found = map {.key }, grep { .value.ord == $ord }, $!word.split('').pairs;
Although I don’t know why you don’t simply say this:
my $l = $letter.substr(0,1);
The resulting simplification should be obvious. Maybe you should even avoid having to do it in the first place:
method guess_letter ($letter where { 1 == (~$_).length })
It's "Mississippi".
Or as my momma taught me: "Eme eye crooked letter crooked letter eye crooked letter crooked letter eye humpback humpback eye".
I didn’t do so immediately because of the large amount of code, which seemed somewhat shocking for something like Hangman. Now that I have read it… who are you and what have you done with Ovid?
Seriously – I am now even more shocked to see you of all people produce a God object. The way you’ve designed the class, it’s impossible to test or use any of the functionality in isolation. So I wonder why you used a class at all?
Re:Now I have actually read the code
Ovid on 2009-01-01T16:04:54
I wasn't too worried about producing particularly good or reusable code here, I just wanted to see what I could do with Rakudo. Oddly, I also thought that it would be a much smaller bit of code. Your turn to write hangman
... :)