Running Perl 6 Tests In Vim

Ovid on 2008-10-20T16:02:58

As a follow up to my post about configuring vim for Perl 6, as a quick hack to get Perl 6 tests to run, add the following line after setfiletype perl6 in the s:PerlTestSetup() function. Then you can hit ',t' in your editor and it will properly run the Perl 6 test in verbose mode (you'll need to fix the path).

noremap  t :!perl ~/code/parrot/languages/perl6/t/harness --verbosity 1 "%"

That's when I discovered that the t/02-test-pm tests are not being run unless you use the undocumented make testtest command. However, those tests have parsing failures. Still investigating.

(And what do you do when you're home sick?)

Update: Seems that has problems. The better way is to run !make "%" from the languages/perl6 directory (those are for standard Perl 6 spec tests). I'll have to play with this more. Damn.