I often have a ton of tests open in one buffer. They're usually related to something I'm refactoring:
vim $(ack -l --perl 'api/v1/episode' t/)
So it's handy to be able to execute all tests in my current vim buffers. Now I can just type ,tb and do that.
maptb :call RunTestsInBuffers() function! RunTestsInBuffers() let i = 1 let tests = '' while (i <= bufnr("$")) let filename = bufname(i) if match(filename, '\.t$') > -1 let tests = tests . ' "' . filename . '"' endif let i = i+1 endwhile if !strlen(tests) echo "No tests found in buffers" else execute ':!prove ' . tests endif endfunction
Are you gathering all of these vim-scripts/tips in one place? Because if not, you really should. I'm more and more tempted to start using vim over emacs, with each new one of these you post...
Ovid on 2008-09-17T21:50:01
I'm not collecting them directly, but I use a careful Google search to find them.
Aristotle on 2008-09-18T14:10:54
Perfect opportunity to take GitHub for a spin.
Mmh, this gives me an idea for writing all changed buffers, something for which I don't think there is an in-built vim command.
Re:writing buffers with changes
Aristotle on 2008-09-20T17:34:54
Eh? How about