Florian Ragwitz now has co-mainternship of Test::Aggregate. This is due to me not having enough time for it, but Catalyst needing it to speed up their test suite.
From that test file t/aggregate.t you linked to, wouldn't
my $tests = Test::Aggregate->new({
dirs => 't/aggregate',
make "prove -r t" run all the tests in t/aggregate twice? One time as regular test files, one time aggregated.
The dir with aggregated tests needs to live next to t.
Re:Double test run?
rafl on 2008-09-06T03:12:26
I'm not quite sure if that's really what i want to do.
I tried to make test aggregation optional. Currently, if you don't have the required version of Test::Aggregate installed or explicitly disable aggregation, t/*.t (excluding t/aggregate.t) and t/aggregate/*.t will be run. prove -r t would work too after telling t/aggregate.t to check for the presence of Test::Aggregate.
When moving t/aggregate out of t/ prove -r t won't do what you usually want in case you don't have Test::Aggregate.
I have no idea which of those possibilities should be prefered.