Automatically Edit All Failing Tests

Ovid on 2008-04-06T12:36:27

alias vim_failed='prove --state=failed,save t -l; vim $(prove -D --state=failed)';

This will trample on any previously failed state, but aside from that, when you type vim_failed, it will run all of your tests and automatically launch vim with the failed tests as arguments :)

Automate further with vim -q

Tim Bunce on 2008-04-07T08:26:50

If prove could output a summary in the right format: "file:line: ..." then the vim quick-fix mode would make it easy to step from one failure *line* to the next.


Line Numbers

Ovid on 2008-04-07T08:34:53

Right now we can't conveniently deal with this because TAP diagnostics are unstructured, we can't easily capture this. However, we're working on the new version of TAP and we should be able to handle this.