Johan Lindstrom's Devel::CoverX::Covered is still relatively new, but here are some changes to my .vimrc based on this (stripped down for clarity):
function! PerlMappings() noremap,cv :call Coverage() noremap K :!perldoc perldoc -f endfunction function! PerlTestMappings() noremap ,t :!prove -vl --norc % endfunction function! Coverage() let filename = bufname('%') if match(filename, '\.t$') > -1 execute '!covered by --test_file="'. filename .'"' else execute '!covered covering --source_file="'. filename .'"' end endfunction au! FileType perl :call PerlMappings() au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.t :call PerlTestMappings()
When I am editing lib/ and I type ,cv, I get this:
t/basic.t t/bermuda.t t/exceptions.t t/serialize.t t/subelements.t t/xml.t
And if I'm editing t/basic.t and I type ,cv, I get this:
lib/ lib/Bermuda/ lib/Bermuda/Island/ lib/Bermuda/Island/ lib/Bermuda/Island/ lib/Bermuda/ lib/Bermuda/ lib/Bermuda/
In other words, know what tests will cover your code and vice versa. Johan has more features on the way, including being able to know which tests cover a particular line of a file.
Already I need to update my Oslo talk :)