Both of my OSCON proposals were rejected. This raises a big question mark about whether I'll be able to attend this year. Damn.
Re:Not a programming conference...
jrockway on 2008-03-29T04:49:57
Yeah, you're 100% right in your assessment.
I'm somewhat upset that my two talks were also rejected. I was really looking forward to presenting them, since I'm not going to have time to talk at YAPC::NA this year.
Both my talks were rejected also. One I thought was pretty solid, I've given it a few places and gotten very positive responses.
A definite bummer, I have wanted to attend OSCON for several years but this is the second year my proposal didn't get accepted. Seeing as how I am self employed right now paying my own way is not likely even with the 25% discount I get as a rejected speaker.
It would be nice if OSCON offered a discount for open source contributers who run small shops like me (hint hint).