If you haven't seen Devel::PerlySense, I highly recommend that you check it out. It's a relatively new project by Johan Lindström to bring Intellisense functionality to Perl.
In your .vimrc, make sure you have the following line:
filetype plugin on
In your .vim/ftplugin/ directory, create a file named perl_perlysense.vim and add the following:
if exists( "b:perlysense" ) finish endif let b:perlysense = 1 mappp :call PerlySense_POD() map pg :call PerlySense_smart_go_to() function! PerlySense_POD() call GetPos() let command="perly_sense smart_doc --file=" . b:file." --row=".b:row." --col=".b:col echo system(command) endfunction function! PerlySense_smart_go_to() call GetPos() let command="perly_sense smart_go_to --file=" . b:file." --row=".b:row." --col=".b:col let result = split( system(command), "\t" ) let file = result[0] execute "e " . file endfunction function! GetPos() let b:file = bufname("%") let b:row = line(".") let b:col = col(".") endfunction
Position your cursor on next and type \pp (replace the backslash with your leader character (see :help mapleader in vim) if you have a different leader character) and you should see this:
found method name next docType hint METHODS Instance Methods "next" my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $file } ); while ( my $result = $parser->next ) { print $result->as_string, "\n"; } This method returns the results of the parsing, one result at a time. Note that it is destructive. You can't rewind and examine previous results. If callbacks are used, they will be issued before this call returns. Each result returned is a subclass of TAP::Parser::Result. See that module and related classes for more information on how to use them.
Pretty nifty, eh? Note that this is a snippet of perldoc from a completely different file. Perlysense just knew where to look for it.
Also with the above code, if you position your cursor on a package name and type \pg, vim will automatically edit the correct file. It works, but I get strange error message about "Cannot redefine function PerlySense_smart_go_to, it is already in use". You can eliminate by removing the "!" after function. Makes it a bit tougher for developing this plugin, but it should work for you :)
PerlySense has the limitation that Perl is a dynamic language, of course, but so far it looks pretty sweet. It also does not yet have the much of an idea of a current project and the interface is still evolving, but so far this looks like a fantastic tool to help us get IDE style integration with our editor of choice.
It's worth noting that there's a heck of a lot more in PerlySense than just documentation. I'll try and post more if I get time. Suggestions for improving my vim code welcome. Some refactoring will be obvious as this grows, but some will simply be my not understanding vim programming terribly well.
Re:PerlySense vs Omnicompletion
Ovid on 2008-02-04T17:08:34
I'm really not sure. Johan's going to be away for a bit, so I can't ask him.
On a related note, I've discovered that using tab completion was very painful as it would often do a full scan over everything in @INC. I added this to my
.vimrc and now it just scans what's in buffers (thanks to smylers for help on this): set complete=.,w,b,u,t " omits ',i'. This avoids full file scans.
function! CleverTab()
if strpart( getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1 ) =~ '^\s*$'
return "\<Tab>"
return "\<C-N>"
inoremap <Tab> <C-R>=CleverTab()<CR>I'm sure that this could be updated for the omnicompletion.
Er, maybe not. I just tried that script and can't figure out how to make it work
:( Re:PerlySense vs Omnicompletion
jplindstrom on 2008-02-09T17:44:52
Currently PerlySense complements Onicompletion, because it doesn't do completion at all yet. Starting the project I thought that would be the killer useful feature, but it turned out to not be very high up on the list at all.
Right now, PerlySense does have a good idea of what the current class looks like (i.e. $self), but not so good idea of the environment, because there is still no @INC-wide or project-wide repository of "things".
Whenever completions is implemented, Omnicompletion could potentially start using the PerlySense backend as a provider of completions to display.