Devel::Cover patch

Ovid on 2007-08-19T13:10:45

A while ago, Leif Eriksen dug into Devel::Cover to find out why TAP::Parser couldn't be covered. He found a bug and managed to produce a patch:

--- Devel-Cover-0.61-bad/lib/Devel/Cover/  2007-01-11
06:42:48.000000000 +1100
+++ Devel-Cover-0.61-good/lib/Devel/Cover/ 2007-08-12
01:03:18.000000000 +1000
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@
             while (my ($criterion, $fc) = each %$f)
                 my $get = "get_$criterion";
-                my $sc  = $st->$get($digests{$digest});
+                my $sc  = $st->$get($file);
                 # print STDERR "$criterion: ", Dumper $sc, $fc;
                 next unless $sc;  # TODO - why?
                 my $cc  = $cf->{$criterion} ||= {};

Today, while working on App::Pgrep (not released, but it's a PPI powered version of grep), I discovered I was also getting zero test coverage. I applied Leif's patch and all is well.

Paul Johnson hasn't released a new version of Devel::Cover yet (and rt is down so I can't see if the patch is there), so I figured some of you might find this useful.