What Modules Does Your Distro *Really* Need?

Ovid on 2007-07-31T08:45:21

Here's what bites me and many other CPAN authors: forgetting to list that one dependency. Maybe you think it's core. Maybe you forgot to add a module you threw in at the last moment. Maybe some dumbass named Ovid forgets to take out the call to Data::Dumper::Simple that he threw in there for debugging (yeah, that was embarrassing).

I'm trying to think of the best ways to handle this.

  • Have a ./Build testclean target which runs the tests against a pristine copy of Perl, if it exists, installing the needed modules listed in Build.PL or Makefile.PL. This would be expensive and need to be rebuilt repeatedly.
  • At the end of every test, report %INC and at the end of the test run, report every module in %INC, which version is was released with and if it's not core, check if it's listed as a dependency.
  • Ignore it.


Virtual servers

melo on 2007-07-31T10:13:26

If you can use them, I would recommend a virtual server.

I use Parallels on my mac, but vmware should work the same.

Create a image with a bare minimal installation of your target OS (I keep 3 or 4 around), and in the final test, boot a pristine copy of it, and try to install your app.

Not only you'll detect missing CPAN dependencies, but also missing package dependencies that you didn't even know you needed.

For complex projects, it really tests your deployment documentation :)

Best regards,

Re:Virtual servers

Ovid on 2007-07-31T10:43:18

While that sounds like a fantastic idea (I already have Parallels on my MacBook, along with Vista), I suspect it's a bit more than most developers are looking for, or are able to implement. Ease of use is of paramount importance here. If we can get an 80% solution with 20% of the work, that would be a huge win.

Of course, if you want to write the code which automates setting all of this up, I'm sure folks would consider it :)

Re:Virtual servers

Alias on 2007-08-01T04:12:24

qemu debian image with every single Perl pre-installed. :)

Product of the PITA work, comes in handy from time to time.


Warning: About 600 meg in size, expands to a 4gig disk image.

Overkill, ok maybe :)

Re:Virtual servers

drhyde on 2007-08-01T12:02:32

I use Parallels virtual machines for smoke-testing CPAN. I'm normally happy to tell people how to get at a guest account on those VMs if they want to test their modules against minimal installs of various versions of perl.

So far, I've given access to everyone who's asked. I'd probably only refuse for those very few people who I know abuse community resources. The minimal barrier to entry is that you have to email me to get access.

I vote for (b)

jarich on 2007-07-31T10:22:31

At the end of every test, report %INC and at the end of the test run, report every module in %INC, which version is was released with and if it's not core, check if it's listed as a dependency.

Perhaps this could be done with a special test target, but I think this is a brillant solution.

Re:I vote for (b)

Ovid on 2007-07-31T10:46:23

I was thinking about a test target, though I'm unsure of how to remotely capture %INC. I'm wondering if it's something that would have to be built into each of the tests?

Now that I stop to think about it, it would be trivial to write a simple Test::More wrapper that Module::Build could load. This would only work with tests which use Test::More, but that would cover the vast majority of them.

Re:I vote for (b)

ddick on 2007-07-31T11:08:09

how could you stop it from reporting the wrong result for

eval { require Optional::Module; }
if ($@) {
    # we don't have the module, but we can survive without it..

Why not list core modules as dependencies?

thinc on 2007-07-31T11:03:03

Is there any harm in listing core modules as dependencies?

Re:Why not list core modules as dependencies?

jjore on 2007-08-02T05:45:36

It breaks stuff to list core modules as dependencies. I forget what. Wish I didn't. Sorry.

Yes, there is

GunnarWolf on 2007-08-13T16:14:24

For Debian's dh-make-perl, up to the currently-shipping version, we had a manually specified list of core modules. The problem is, this list changes with time. If you take a look at this commit, you will agree (I hope!) that automatic querying makes much more sense than hard-coding lists.

This is hard.

tsee on 2007-07-31T11:40:25

At the end of every test, report %INC and at the end of the test run, report every module in %INC, which version is was released with and if it's not core, check if it's listed as a dependency.

Woah there! I agree this would be a nice author test, but it's is much harder than just using %INC.

1) Testing for core status
--> For what version of perl? Needs to know what's the minimum version of perl this module runs on. I think since there is no META.yml attribute which is reliable and agreed upon, this needs PPI.

2) %INC has all loaded modules, not just distributions. So you need to check only modules loaded by the modules in the distribution-to-be-tested directly.
--> This requires that you determine all modules in the current distribution. Should be reasonably simple in most cases. (glob lib or blib/* or much better: use META's "provides")
--> This requires either overloading CORE::require or @INC hackery or both. Or something like Module::ScanDeps (fragile) or a much better implementation using PPI.

3) If our module loads 'Foo::Bar' and there is a declared dependency on 'Foo', one needs to figure out whether 'Foo::Bar' is part of the 'Foo' distribution. I can't think of a way to test this without involving a CPAN client. Also, one level down, if the Foo-distro depends on a distro which includes Foo::Bar, should our module depend on that directly or is the dependency on 'Foo' enough?

I think this sort of module would only do good if it had a robust implementation and that is probably very hard.


Re:This is hard.

Aristotle on 2007-07-31T16:33:50

For what version of perl?


I have no idea what compells you to mention PPI in this context.

I think this sort of module would only do good if it had a robust implementation and that is probably very hard.

You think a simple implementation that gets us ¾ of the value of a completely airtight implementation is worthless? Why?

Re:This is hard.

tsee on 2007-07-31T19:41:33

I have no idea what compells you to mention PPI in this context.

That's because you misunderstood me. Given a distribution to be tested, you need to know the minimum perl version it's compatible with to be able to USE Module::CoreList at all. To get a list of core modules, you need a perl version, remember? I mention PPI because it's used to implement Perl::MinimumVersion.

You think a simple implementation that gets us ¾ of the value of a completely airtight implementation is worthless? Why?

Because suppose there is a "Test::Dependencies" which works akin to Test::Pod or so. In that case, spurious failures would mean it's useless. That's the case I was thinking about.

If you implement it as a separate make/Build target so the author can run it if he likes and gets a full report as Ovid or Andy suggested, that may be useful.

Re:This is hard.

Aristotle on 2007-07-31T20:05:26

Given a distribution to be tested, you need to know the minimum perl version it’s compatible with

Ah. I can see that in your previous comment now, but you weren’t quite explicit enough about the point, so I didn’t understand you correctly on first read.

If you implement it as a separate make/Build target

I thought it was a given that checking the dependency list is done before you upload to PAUSE. This sort of test would be useless if it ran after your distro ship had sailed.

Re:This is hard.

drhyde on 2007-08-01T12:07:26

I thought it was a given that checking the dependency list is done before you upload to PAUSE. This sort of test would be useless if it ran after your distro ship had sailed.

How touchingly naive :-) It's amazing how many people don't bother checking. Aside from plain and simple coding errors, undeclared dependencies are one of the most common problems with modules. It's hard to blame the authors though. If you use LWP::UserAgent every day it's hard to remember that it's not core. Even harder to remember is that Storable, for instance, hasn't always been in core and that merely declaring it as a pre-requisite can make your code work on older perls.

Re:This is hard.

Aristotle on 2007-08-01T16:54:04

No, what I meant is that I thought it was a given that any automatic depency list checker would be for use before, not after, uploading.

If anyone thought people always checked the list themselves, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion…


brian_d_foy on 2007-07-31T16:56:28

I used to have this problem quite a bit, but then I wrote Test::Prereq. That module runs all the tests and collects module information along the way. It then removes the core modules, looks in Makefile.PL (or Build.PL) to see what is listed. Everything left over is something you should have listed as a dependency.

If you look over to the Linux distributions...

GunnarWolf on 2007-07-31T22:03:41

We in Debian have several tools for building our packages in bare environments - That is, tools that set up an essential system, add the dependencies declared in any given package, and build the package in it. My personal favorite is Cowbuilder, heavily based on Pbuilder.
For something closer to The Perl Way, we have good ol' dirty dh-make-perl, which takes a CPAN package, extracts -among other things- its dependencies, and builds (or at least, tries to - But if it doesn't, we treat it as a bug) a Debian package out of it.
Anyway, I hope we can meet at YAPC::EU - I'm giving a talk on integrating Perl in Linux distributions. If the topic looks interesting to you, you are welcome to look at my paper as well.

In Debian and Ubuntu, pbuilder (and cowbuilder)...

GunnarWolf on 2007-08-13T16:11:43

I guess similar packages will exist for other distributions - pbuilder sets up a minimal chrooted system with only the base packages for the OS, and builds Debian packages in them, satisfying the build-dependencies each package declares and thus ensuring that they are _buildable_ with nothing but what is declared (i.e. no dependencies already present in the maintainer's build environment are skipped).
Now, this approach is good for building packages, not necessarily for testing Perl modules' completeness. Of course, in the Debian pkg-perl team, one of our policies is to die if the build process does not pass make test - but as several examples in this thread show, that might not be enough for comprehensive testing.

Now, doesn't it make you feel stupid...

GunnarWolf on 2007-08-13T16:16:32

To contribute with a post, just to find out you have already done so? :-)